
Peled O, Greenbaum G, Bloch G. Diversification of social complexity following a major evolutionary transition in bees. Current Biology [Internet]. 2025. Publisher's VersionAbstract

How social complexity evolved remains a long-standing enigma. In most animal groups, social complexity is typically classified into a few discrete classes. This approach is oversimplified and constrains our inference of social evolution to a narrow trajectory consisting of transitions between classes. Such categorical classifications also limit quantitative studies on the molecular and environmental drivers of social complexity. The recent accumulation of relevant quantitative data has set the stage to overcome these limitations. Here, we propose a data-driven, high-dimensional approach for studying the full diversity of social phenotypes. We curated and analyzed a comprehensive dataset encompassing 17 social traits across 80 species and studied the evolution of social complexity in bees. We found that honey bees, stingless bees, and bumble bees underwent a major evolutionary transition ∼80 mya, inconsistent with the stepwise progression of the social ladder conceptual framework. This major evolutionary transition was followed by a phase of substantial phenotypic diversification of social complexity. Other bee lineages display a continuum of social complexity, ranging from solitary to simple societies, but do not reach the levels of social complexity seen in honey bees, stingless bees, and bumble bees. Bee evolution, therefore, provides a remarkable demonstration of a macroevolutionary process in which a major transition removed biological constraints and opened novel evolutionary opportunities, driving the exploration of the landscape of social phenotypes. Our approach can be extended to incorporate additional data types and readily applied to illuminate the evolution of social complexity in other animal groups.

Gonulkirmaz-Cancalar O, Bloch G. Sex-Related Variation in Circadian Rhythms in the Bumble Bee Bombus terrestris. Journal of Biological Rhythms [Internet]. 2024;39 (6) :594–606. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Mating success depends on many factors, but first of all, a male and a female need to meet at the same place and time. The circadian clock is an endogenous system regulating activity and sex-related behaviors in animals. We studied bumble bees (Bombus terrestris) in which the influence of circadian rhythms on sexual behavior has been little explored. We characterized circadian rhythms in adult emergence and locomotor activity under different illumination regimes for males and gynes (unmated queens). We developed a method to monitor adult emergence from the pupal cocoon and found no circadian rhythms in this behavior for either males or gynes. These results are not consistent with the hypothesis that the circadian clock regulates emergence from the pupa in this species. Consistent with this premise, we found that both gynes and males do not show circadian rhythms in locomotor activity during the first 3 days after pupal emergence, but shortly after developed robust circadian rhythms that are readily shifted by a phase delay in illumination regime. We conclude that the bumble bees do not need strong rhythms in adult emergence and during early adult life in their protected and regulated nest environment, but do need strong activity rhythms for timing flights and mating-related behaviors. Next, we tested the hypothesis that the locomotor activity of males and gynes have a similar phase, which may improve mating success. We found that both males and gynes have strong endogenous circadian rhythms that are entrained by the illumination regime, but males show rhythms at an earlier age, their rhythms are stronger, and their phase is slightly advanced relative to that of gynes. An earlier phase may be advantageous to males competing to mate a receptive gyne. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that sex-related variations in circadian rhythms is shaped by sexual selection.

Scheiner R, Bloch G. Editorial overview: How do social insects know their tasks?. Current Opinion in Insect Science [Internet]. 2024;66 :101257. Publisher's Version
Franco M, Fassler R, Goldberg TS, Chole H, Herz Y, Woodard SH, Reichmann D, Bloch G. Substances in the mandibular glands mediate queen effects on larval development and colony organization in an annual bumble bee. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Internet]. 2023;120 (45) :e2302071120. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Social organization is commonly dynamic, with extreme examples in annual social insects, but little is known about the underlying signals and mechanisms. Bumble bee larvae with close contact to a queen do not differentiate into gynes, pupate at an earlier age, and are commonly smaller than siblings that do not contact a queen. We combined detailed observations, proteomics, microRNA transcriptomics, and gland removal surgery to study the regulation of brood development and division of labor in the annual social bumble bee Bombus terrestris. We found that regurgitates fed to larvae by queens and workers differ in their protein and microRNA composition. The proteome of the regurgitate overlaps significantly with that of the mandibular (MG) and hypopharyngeal glands (HPG), suggesting that these exocrine glands are sources of regurgitate proteins. The proteome of the MG and HPG, but not the salivary glands, differs between queens and workers, with caste-specificity preserved for the MG and regurgitate proteomes. Queens subjected to surgical removal of the MG showed normal behavior, brood care, and weight gain, but failed to shorten larval development. These findings suggest that substances in the queen MG are fed to larvae and influence their developmental program. We suggest that when workers emerge and contribute to larval feeding, they dilute the effects of the queen substances, until she can no longer manipulate the development of all larvae. Longer developmental duration may allow female larvae to differentiate into gynes rather than to workers, mediating the colony transition from the ergonomic to the reproductive phase.

Ge J, Shalem YM-B, Ge Z, Liu J, Wang X, Bloch G. Integration of information from multiple sources drives and maintains the division of labour in bumble bee colonies. Current Opinion in Insect Science [Internet]. 2023 :101115. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Bumble bees are eusocial bees in which the division of labor in reproduction and in task performance changes during their annual life cycle. The queen monopolizes reproduction in young colonies, but at later stages some workers start to challenge the queen and lay their own unfertilized eggs. The division of colony maintenance and growth tasks relates to worker body size. Reproduction and task performance are regulated by multiple social signals of the queen, the workers, and the brood. Here we review recent studies suggesting that bumble bees use multiple sources of information to establish and maintain division of labor in both reproduction and in task performance. Juvenile hormone is an important neuroendocrine signal involved in the regulation of division of labor in reproduction but not in worker task performance. The reliance on multiple signals facilitate flexibility in face of changes in the social and geophysical environment. Data Availability No data were used for the research described in the article.

Goldberg TS, Bloch G. Inhibitory signaling in collective social insect networks, is it indeed uncommon?. Current Opinion in Insect Science [Internet]. 2023 :101107. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Individual entities across levels of biological organization interact to reach collective decisions. In centralized neuronal networks, competing neural populations commonly accumulate information over time while increasing their own activity, and cross-inhibiting other populations until one group passes a given threshold. In social insects, there is good evidence for decisions mediated by positive feedbacks, but we found evidence for similar inhibitory signals only in honey bee (Apis mellifera) stop signals, and Pharaoh’s ant (Monomorium pharaonic) repellent pheromones, with only the former occasionally being used as cross-inhibition. We discuss whether these differences stem from insufficient research effort or represent genuine differences across levels of biological organization.

Gonulkirmaz-Cancalar O, Shertzer O, Bloch G. Bumble Bees (Bombus terrestris) Use Time-Memory to Associate Reward with Color and Time of Day. Insects [Internet]. 2023;14 (8). Publisher's VersionAbstract
Circadian clocks regulate ecologically important complex behaviors in honey bees, but it is not clear whether similar capacities exist in other species of bees. One key behavior influenced by circadian clocks is time-memory, which enables foraging bees to precisely time flower visitation to periods of maximal pollen or nectar availability and reduces the costs of visiting a non-rewarding flower patch. Bumble bees live in smaller societies and typically forage over shorter distances than honey bees, and it is therefore not clear whether they can similarly associate reward with time of day. We trained individually marked bumble bee (Bombus terrestris) workers to forage for sugar syrup in a flight cage with yellow or blue feeders rewarding either during the morning or evening. After training for over two weeks, we recorded all visitations to colored feeders filled with only water. We performed two experiments, each with a different colony. We found that bees tended to show higher foraging activity during the morning and evening training sessions compared to other times during the day. During the test day, the trained bees were more likely to visit the rewarding rather than the non-rewarding colored feeders at the same time of day during the test sessions, indicating that they associated time of day and color with the sugar syrup reward. These observations lend credence to the hypothesis that bumble bees have efficient time-memory, indicating that this complex behavior is not limited to honey bees that evolved sophisticated social foraging behaviors over large distances.
Mazar A, Panitz-Cohen N, Bloch G. The apiary at Tel Reḥov: An update‏. Near Eastern Archaeology [Internet]. 2022;85 (2) :126-131. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The apiary discovered in Stratum V at Tel Reḥov in 2005–2007 remains unique in the archaeology of the ancient Near East. Here the authors briefly summarize the data previously published in this journal and add results of new studies, mainly concerning the identification of ancient charred bees trapped in burnt honeycombs found in the hives. Measurements of two wings and one leg, and statistical work based on existing database of modern subspecies, are inconsistent with the Syrian subspecies local to Israel (Apis meliferra syriaca), but were found to be similar to the Anatolian bee (Apis meliferra anatoliaca). We discuss the implications of this result, suggesting trade relations with southern Anatolia. The authors suggest that the beeswax was perhaps related to the copper-based metallurgical industry that entailed casting in the lost wax method, at a time when the copper trade based on the Arabah mines was at its peak.

Chole H, de Guinea M, Woodard SH, Bloch G. Field-realistic concentrations of a neonicotinoid insecticide influence socially regulated brood development in a bumblebee . Proceedings of the Royal Society B [Internet]. 2022;289 :20220253. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The systemic neonicotinoid insecticides are considered as one of the key culprits contributing to ongoing declines in pollinator health and abundance. Bumblebees are among the most important pollinators of temperate zone plants, making their susceptibility to neonicotinoid exposure of great concern. We report that bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) colonies exposed to field-realistic concentrations of the commonly used neonicotinoid Imidacloprid grew slower, consumed less food, and produced fewer workers, males and gynes, but unexpectedly produced larger workers compared to control colonies. Behavioural observations show that queens in pesticide-treated colonies spend more time inactive and less time caring for the brood. We suggest that the observed effects on brood body size are driven by a decreased queen ability to manipulate the larva developmental programme. These findings reveal an intricate and previously unknown effect of insecticides on the social interactions controlling brood development in social insect colonies. Insecticide influences on the social mechanisms regulating larval development are potentially detrimental for bumblebees, in which body size strongly influences both caste differentiation and the division of labour among workers, two organization principles of insect societies

Shai NB, Motro U, Shmida A, Bloch G. Earlier Morning Arrival to Pollen-Rewarding Flowers May Enable Feral Bumble Bees to Successfully Compete with Local Bee Species and Expand Their Distribution Range in a Mediterranean Habitat. Insects [Internet]. 2022;13 (9) :816. Publisher's VersionAbstract

During recent decades, bumble bees (Bombus terrestris) have continuously expanded their range in the Mediterranean climate regions of Israel. To assess their potential effects on local bee communities, we monitored their diurnal and seasonal activity patterns, as well as those of native bee species in the Judean Hills. We found that all bee species tend to visit pollen-providing flowers at earlier times compared to nectar-providing flowers. Bumble bees and honey bees start foraging at earlier times and colder temperatures compared to other species of bees. This means that the two species of commercially managed social bees are potentially depleting much of the pollen, which is typically non-replenished, before most local species arrive to gather it. Taking into consideration the long activity season of bumble bees in the Judean hills, their ability to forage at the low temperatures of the early morning, and their capacity to collect pollen at early hours in the dry Mediterranean climate, feral and range-expanding bumble bees potentially pose a significant competitive pressure on native bee fauna. Their effects on local bees can further modify pollination networks, and lead to changes in the local flora.

Shpigler HY, Yaniv A, Gernat T, Robinson GE, Bloch G. The influences of illumination regime on egg-laying rhythms of honey bee queens. Journal of Biological Rhythms [Internet]. 2022. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Honey bee queens show extreme fecundity, commonly laying more than a thousand eggs in a single day. It has proven challenging to study the temporal organization of egg-laying behavior because queens are typically active around the clock in the dark cavity of a densely populated nest. To contend with this challenge, we developed two novel methods allowing detailed monitoring of queen activity and egg-laying. We first adapted a high-resolution, continuous, tracking system allowing to track the position of barcode-tagged queens in observation hives with colonies foraging outside. We found that the queen is active ~96% of the day with typically no diurnal rhythm. Next, we developed a new laboratory procedure to monitor egg-laying at single egg resolution under different light regimes. We found that under constant darkness (DD) and temperature conditions, queens laid eggs with no circadian rhythms. Queen fecundity was severely reduced under constant light (LL). Under a 12:12 illumination regime, queen fecundity was comparable to under constant darkness, with a higher number of eggs during the light phase. These daily rhythms in egg-laying continued when these queens were released to DD conditions, suggesting that egg-laying rhythms are influenced by endogenous circadian clocks. These results suggest that honey bee queens are active and lay eggs around the clock with no diurnal rhythms. Light has complex influences on these behaviors, but more studies are needed to determine whether these effects reflect the influence of light directly on the queen or indirectly by affecting workers that interact with the queen.

Seihler O, Wang S, Bloch G. Remarkable sensitivity of young honey bee workers to multiple non-photic, non-thermal, forager cues that synchronize their daily activity rhythms. Frontiers in Physiology-Chronobiology [Internet]. 2021;12 :2249. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Honey bees live in colonies containing tens of thousands of workers that coordinate their activities to produce efficient colony-level behavior. In free-foraging colonies, nest bees are entrained to the forager daily phase of activity even when experiencing conflicting light-dark illumination regime, but little is known on the cues mediating this potent social synchronization. We monitored locomotor activity in an array of individually caged bees in which we manipulated the contact with neighbour bees. We used circular statistics and coupling function analyses to estimate the degree of social synchronization. We found that young bees in cages connected to cages housing foragers showed stronger rhythms, better synchronization with each other, higher coupling strength, and a phase more similar to that of the foragers compared to similar bees in unconnected cages. These findings suggest that close distance contacts are sufficient for social synchronization or that cage connection facilitated the propagation of time-giving social cues. Coupling strength was higher for bees placed on the same tray compared with bees at a similar distance but on a different tray, consistent with the hypothesis that substrate borne vibrations mediate phase synchronization. Additional manipulation of the contact between cages showed that social synchronization is better among bees in cages connected with tube with a single mesh partition compared to sealed tubes consistent with the notion that volatile cues act additively to substrate borne vibrations. These findings are consistent with self-organization models for social synchronization of activity rhythms and suggest that the circadian system of honey bees evolved remarkable sensitivity to non-photic, non-thermal, time giving entraining cues enabling them to tightly coordinate their behavior in the dark and constant physical environment of their nests.

Pandey A, Bloch G. Krüppel-homologue 1 mediates hormonally-regulated dominance rank in a social bee. Biology (MDPI) [Internet]. 2021;10 (11) :1188. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Dominance hierarchies are ubiquitous in invertebrates and vertebrates, but little is known on how genes influence dominance rank. Our gaps in knowledge are specifically significant concerning female hierarchies, and in insects. To start filling these gaps, we studied the social bumble bee Bombus terrestris, in which social hierarchies among females are common and functionally significant. Dominance rank in this bee is influenced by multiple factors, including juvenile hormone (JH) that is a major gonadotropin in this species. We tested the hypothesis that the JH responsive transcription factor Krüppel homologue 1 (Kr-h1) mediates hormonal influences on dominance behavior. We first developed and validated a perfluorocarbon nanoparticles-based RNA interference protocol for knocking down Kr-h1 expression. We then used this procedure to show that Kr-h1 mediates the influence of JH not only on oogenesis and wax production, but also on aggression and dominance rank. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study causally linking a gene to dominance rank in social insects, and one of only a few such studies in insects or in female hierarchies. These findings are important for determining whether there are general molecular principles governing dominance rank across gender and taxa.

Siehler O, Wang S, Bloch G. Social synchronization of circadian rhythms with a focus on honeybees. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B [Internet]. 2021;376 :20200342. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Many animals benefit from synchronizing their daily activities with conspecifics. In this hybrid paper, we first review recent literature supporting and extending earlier evidence for a lack of clear relationship between the level of sociality and social entrainment of circadian rhythms. Social entrainment is specifically potent in social animals that live in constant environments in which some or all individuals do not experience the ambient day-night cycles. We next focus on highly social honeybees in which there is good evidence that social cues entrain the circadian clocks of nest bees and can override the influence of conflicting light-dark cycles. The current understanding of social synchronization in honeybees is consistent with self-organization models in which surrogates of forager activity, such as substrate-borne vibrations and colony volatiles, entrain the circadian
clocks of bees dwelling in the dark cavity of the nest. Finally, we present original findings showing that social synchronization is effective even in an array of individually caged callow bees placed on the same substrate and is improved for bees in connected cages. These findings reveal remarkable sensitivity to social time-giving cues and show that bees with attenuated rhythms (weak oscillators) can nevertheless be socially synchronized to a
common phase of activity.
This article is part of the theme issue ‘Synchrony and rhythm interaction: from the brain to behavioural ecology’.

Holland JGG, Nakayama S, Porfiri M, Nov O, Bloch G. Body Size and Behavioural Plasticity Interact to Influence the Performance of Free-Foraging Bumble Bee Colonies. Insects [Internet]. 2021;12 (3). Publisher's VersionAbstract

Specialisation and plasticity are important for many forms of collective behaviour, but the interplay between these factors is little understood. In insect societies, workers are often developmentally primed to specialise in different tasks, sometimes with morphological or physiological adaptations, facilitating a division of labour. Workers may also plastically switch between tasks or vary their effort. The degree to which developmentally primed specialisation limits plasticity is not clear and has not been systematically tested in ecologically relevant contexts. We addressed this question in 20 free-foraging bumble bee (Bombus terrestris) colonies by continually manipulating colonies to contain either a typically diverse, or a reduced (“homogeneous”), worker body size distribution while keeping the same mean body size, over two trials. Pooling both trials, diverse colonies produced a larger comb mass, an index of colony performance. The link between body size and task was further corroborated by the finding that foragers were larger than nurses even in homogeneous colonies with a very narrow body size range. However, the overall effect of size diversity stemmed mostly from one trial. In the other trial, homogeneous and diverse colonies showed comparable performance. By comparing behavioural profiles based on several thousand observations of individuals, we found evidence that workers in homogeneous colonies in this trial rescued colony performance by plastically increasing behavioural specialisation and/or individual effort, compared to same-sized individuals in diverse colonies. Our results are consistent with a benefit to colonies of large and small specialists under certain conditions, but also suggest that plasticity or effort can compensate for reduced (size-related) specialisation. Thus, we suggest that an intricate interplay between specialisation and plasticity is functionally adaptive in bumble bee colonies.

Costa CP, Fisher K, Guillén BM, Yamanaka N, Bloch G, Woodard SH. Care-giver identity impacts offspring development and performance in an annually social bumble bee. [Internet]. 2021;21 (1) :20. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The developmental fates of offspring have the potential to be influenced by the identity of their care-givers and by the nature of the care that they receive. In animals that exhibit both parental and alloparental care, such as the annually eusocial insects, the influence of care-giver identity can be directly assessed to yield mechanistic and evolutionary insights into the origins and elaboration of brood care. Here, we performed a comparative investigation of maternal and worker brood care in bumble bees, a pollinator group where mothers (queens) rear the first offspring in the nest, and then daughters (workers) assume this role upon their emergence. Specifically, we compared the effects of queen and worker brood care on offspring development and also offspring performance, for a set of traits related to sensory biology, learning, and stress resistance.
Shpigler HY, Herb B, Drnevich J, Band M, Robinson GE, Bloch G. Juvenile hormone regulates brain-reproduction tradeoff in bumble bees but not in honey bees. Hormones and Behavior [Internet]. 2020;126 :104844. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Gonadotropic hormones coordinate processes in diverse tissues regulating animal reproductive physiology and behavior. Juvenile hormone (JH) is the ancient and most common gonadotropin in insects, but not in advanced eusocial honey bees and some ants. To start probing the evolutionary basis of this change, we combined endocrine manipulations, transcriptomics, and behavioral analyses to study JH regulated processes in a bumble bee showing a relatively simple level of eusociality. We found that in worker fat body, more JH-regulated genes were up- rather than down-regulated, and enriched for metabolic and biosynthetic pathways. This transcriptomic pattern is consistent with earlier evidence that JH is the major gonadotropin in bumble bees. In the brain, more JH-regulated genes were down- rather than up-regulated and enriched for protein turnover pathways. Brain ribosomal protein gene expression shows a similar trend of downregulation in dominant workers, which naturally have high JH titers. In other species, similar downregulation of protein turnover is found in aging brains or under stress, associated with compromised long-term memory and health. These findings suggest a previously unknown gonadotropin-mediated tradeoff. Analysis of published data reveals no such downregulation of protein turnover pathways in the brain of honey bee workers, which exhibit more complex eusociality and in which JH is not a gonadotropin but rather regulates division of labor. These results suggest that the evolution of complex eusociality in honey bees was associated with modifications in hormonal signalling supporting extended and extremely high fertility while reducing the ancient costs of high gonadotropin titers to the brain.

Pandey A, Motro U, Bloch G. Juvenile hormone affects the development and strength of circadian rhythms in young bumble bee (Bombus terrestris) workers. Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms [Internet]. 2020 :100056. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The circadian and endocrine systems influence many physiological processes in animals, but little is known on the ways they interact in insects. We tested the hypothesis that juvenile hormone (JH) influences circadian rhythms in the social bumble bee Bombus terrestris. JH is the major gonadotropin in this species coordinating processes such as vitellogenesis, oogenesis, wax production, and behaviors associated with reproduction. It is unknown however, whether it also influences circadian processes. We topically treated newly-emerged bees with the allatoxin Precocene-I (P-I) to reduce circulating JH titers and applied the natural JH (JH-III) for replacement therapy. We repeated this experiment in three trials, each with bees from different source colonies. Measurements of ovarian activity suggest that our JH manipulations were effective; bees treated with P-I had inactive ovaries, and this effect was fully recovered by subsequent JH treatment. We found that JH augments the strength of circadian rhythms and the pace of rhythm development in individually isolated newly emerged worker bees. JH manipulation did not affect the free-running circadian period, overall level of locomotor activity, sleep amount, or sleep structure. Given that acute manipulation at an early age produced relatively long-lasting effects, we propose that JH effects on circadian rhythms are mostly organizational, accelerating the development or integration of the circadian system.

Holland JG, Bloch G. The complexity of social complexity: a quantitative multidimensional approach for studies on social organisation. The American Naturalist [Internet]. 2020;196 (5). Publisher's VersionAbstract


The rapid increase in “big data” of the post-genomic era makes it crucial to appropriately measure the level of social complexity in comparative studies. We argue that commonly-used qualitative classifications lump together species showing a broad range of social complexity, and falsely imply that social evolution always progresses along a single linear stepwise trajectory that can be deduced from comparing extant species. To illustrate this point, we compared widely-used social complexity measures in "primitively social" bumble bees with “advanced eusocial” stingless bees, honey bees, and attine ants. We find that a single species can have both higher and lower levels of complexity compared to other taxa, depending on the social trait measured. We propose that measuring the complexity of individual social traits switches focus from semantic discussions and offers several directions for progress. Firstly, quantitative social traits can be correlated with molecular, developmental, and physiological processes within and across lineages of social animals. This approach is particularly promising for identifying processes that influence or have been affected by social evolution. Secondly, key social complexity traits can be combined into multidimensional lineage-specific quantitative indices enabling fine scale comparison across species that are currently bundled within the same level of social complexity.


Kapheim KM, Jones BM, Søvik E, Stolle E, Waterhouse RM, Bloch G, Ben-Shahar Y. Brain microRNAs among social and solitary bees. Royal Society Open Science [Internet]. 2020;7 (7) :200517. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Evolutionary transitions to a social lifestyle in insects are associated with lineage-specific changes in gene expression, but the key nodes that drive these regulatory changes are unknown. We examined the relationship between social organization and lineage-specific microRNAs (miRNAs). Genome scans across 12 bee species showed that miRNA copy-number is mostly conserved and not associated with sociality. However, deep sequencing of small RNAs in six bee species revealed a substantial proportion (20-35%) of detected miRNAs had lineage-specific expression in the brain, 24-72% of which did not have homologs in other species. Lineage-specific miRNAs disproportionately target lineage-specific genes, and have lower expression levels than shared miRNAs. The predicted targets of lineage-specific miRNAs are not enriched for genes with caste-biased expression or genes under positive selection in social species. Together, these results suggest that novel miRNAs may coevolve with novel genes, and thus contribute to lineage-specific patterns of evolution in bees, but do not appear to have significant influence on social evolution. Our analyses also support the hypothesis that many new miRNAs are purged by selection due to deleterious effects on mRNA targets, and suggest genome structure is not as influential in regulating bee miRNA evolution as has been shown for mammalian miRNAs.

