Prof. Guy Bloch
Professor of Biology
Training in biochemistry and molecular biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
B.Sc - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2017 to 2018: Research Assistant, Prof. Yehuda L. Werner and Dr. Eliezer Frankenberg, in a research project on click calls of the gecko genus Ptyodactylus.
2018 to 2019: Research Assistant, Prof. Yehu Moran, in a research project on the evolution of an enzyme in an RNA interference pathway in sea anemones.
2020 to today: M.Sc., Life Sciences, Prof. Guy Bloch. Researches the tradeoff between Juvenile hormone gonadotropic activity and brain maintenance, learning and memory, in buff-tailed bumblebee, specifically in regard to the evolution of complex sociality.
2016-2020 — B.Sc. in Biology — Moscow State University. Thesis title: Allergic contact dermatitis in IL-6-deficient mice.2020-2022 — M.Sc. in Biology — Moscow State University. Thesis title: Phenotypic characteristics of mice with overexpressed human interleukin 6 in myeloid cells. 2019-2022 — Senior lab assistant — Laboratory of molecular mechanisms of immunity, Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Moscow, Russia.
Thesis: The influence of biologically active substances on larval development in Bombus terrestris.
B.Sc – Life Sciences and Cognitive Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2020: Student research internship, Dr. Tsevi Beatus, researching flight control in mosquitoes.
2022 to today: M.Sc., Life Sciences, Prof. Guy Bloch –
Research topics: the effect of Juvenile Hormone on bumble bee chemical communication, social regulation of circadian clocks, collective decision-making.